"Methinks thou dost protest too much" the Bard said. I was floored when Biden and Harris said the riots at the Capitol were an example of Racism.
Racism? Really? Now we know they pander to their base, but calling the response to the riots at the Capitol proof of Racism is over the top.
What's going on? Could it be that this constant charge of Racism is really Projection?
Is it Racism to tolerate the sky high numbers of shootings in Democrat run cities where the number of Blacks killed is astronomical?
Is it Racism to keep Black children in failing schools because the Democrats like how teachers' unions pour money into their coffers rather than giving Black children educational choice?
Is it Racism to keep people dependent on Programs like food stamps rather than raise all boats with a good economy like Trump's or give people the training they need to get better jobs? Or is this just another example of the growing Democrat hatred of Capitalism?
Is it Racism to think a people cannot compete on a level playing field, but need quotas and other special help?
Is it Racism to say that you are not really Black if you don't vote Democrat?
Who is it exactly who has the self-fulfilling prophesy that Blacks can't succeed without Big, Bigger, Biggest Government help?
Who really is exploiting Blacks to gain political power?
Racism - maybe it's time for the Democrats to look in the mirror.